Welcome to Silver Wolf Chiropractic


Mon & Wed - Marana Office

Tue & Thurs - Tucson Office

Call for your appointment today (520) 906-6902

Two Locations to serve you:

9775 N. Clayton Road it is 7.2 miles from I-10 west on Avra Valley Road in Marana, AZ

Newest Office near Campbell and Broadway in Tucson, AZ.  2021 E 12th St.

Call (520) 906-6902 for an appointment at an office near you.


Your Good Health Is My Goal. You will have less pain, more energy and can think more clearly, when you have good joint mobility from the complete body adjusting obtained through the use of the ACTIVATOR Technique and the Koren Specific Technique.

A well tuned body is the beginning of a rich full life! I focus all my education, training and experience on helping you achieve that goal. I look at the whole you. Not bits and pieces. Your body is a whole entity, not a collection of parts to be dealt with individually. We'll work as a team to restore your health.

Treatment for Addictions and Compulsive Disorders, using a non-drug approach, is available.

New adjusting Technique added this year is Torque Release Technique.

Auriculotherapy is now available for those hard to treat issues.



  • "ACTIVATOR METHOD" is the preferred method of treatment for most of our patients. This method allows the Doctor to treat the WHOLE patient, not just "where it hurts." Your pain and discomfort are the direct result of an imbalance in your central nervous system, causing less sensory information to be sent to your brain. Since 90% of all sensory input normally comes from the nerves in your spinal joints, to get relief, you must increase the amount of sensory information flowing from your spine to your brain - by specifically restoring the normal joint movement of your spine. I CAN HELP!
    My thorough approach to your health pinpoints the cause of your problems. Then my specialized form of adjustment will help the spinal and other joints move the way nature intended.
  • OTHER SERVICES PROVIDED TO ENHANCE YOUR HEALTH : Acupuncture (Needle or Electric Stim), Physical therapy includes the use of INTERFERENTIAL, INFRATONIC QGM, muscle work, hot/cold therapy, yoga and others.
  • Guidance in the areas of dietary, vitamin, herbal and other treatments are available.
  • Addiction and Compulsive Disorder Treatment.
  • Call today for your personal consultation.
    (520) 906-6902
    Experience rapid relief and increased physical abilities without drugs or surgery!


Koren Specific Technique

I want to thank all my current and past patient's for the blessings that they are and for allowing me the privelge of participating in their health and wellness care.  I will continue to do my best to care for you and your families.